Most ActiveContracts

Instrument Type Symbol Expiry Date No. Of Contracts Traded Value ()
FUTSTK TATAMOTORS 27-Jun-2024 17843 24,359,642,763.75
FUTSTK AXISBANK 27-Jun-2024 31275 24,005,517,187.50
FUTSTK BHARTIARTL 27-Jun-2024 30577 20,621,281,685.00
FUTSTK INDUSINDBK 27-Jun-2024 27622 20,583,914,400.00
FUTSTK BEL 27-Jun-2024 22338 19,719,707,175.00
FUTSTK LT 27-Jun-2024 36793 19,490,723,820.00
FUTSTK PFC 27-Jun-2024 9977 18,856,841,781.25
FUTSTK TCS 27-Jun-2024 28051 18,736,384,940.00
FUTSTK TATASTEEL 27-Jun-2024 18710 18,312,973,800.00
FUTSTK M&M 27-Jun-2024 17210 17,563,321,300.00
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