Closed Issues

Company Name Issue Type Issue Size Open Date Close Date Offer Price List Price
M.V.K. Agro Food Product Ltd Fixed Price - SME 65.88 29-Feb-2024 04-Mar-2024 120.00 79.00
Mukka Proteins Ltd (Book Built Portion) 224 29-Feb-2024 04-Mar-2024 28.00 44.00
Bharat Highways InvIT Book Building-InvITs 2499.99 28-Feb-2024 01-Mar-2024 100.00 101.00
Purv Flexipack Ltd Book Building - SME 40.21 27-Feb-2024 29-Feb-2024 71.00 260.00
Platinum Industries Ltd (Book Built Portion) 235.32 27-Feb-2024 29-Feb-2024 171.00 228.00
Exicom Tele-Systems Ltd (Book Built Portion) 429 27-Feb-2024 29-Feb-2024 142.00 264.00
Owais Metal and Mineral Processing Ltd Book Building - SME 42.69 26-Feb-2024 28-Feb-2024 87.00 250.00
Sadhav Shipping Ltd Fixed Price - SME 38.18 23-Feb-2024 27-Feb-2024 95.00 135.00
GPT Healthcare Ltd (Book Built Portion) 525.14 22-Feb-2024 26-Feb-2024 186.00 216.15
Juniper Hotels Ltd (Book Built Portion) 1800 21-Feb-2024 23-Feb-2024 360.00 361.20
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